Disputes are par for the course when running a business. All kinds of businesses will experience some kind of dispute or conflict along the way, whether that involves clients or internal issues with operations. These types of issues can seem overwhelming, draining and be a financial burden. Moreover, there are ways to minimize the difficulties of business disputes and ways to tackle them to ensure an effective resolution. In this blog, we offer an overview of what a business dispute is and how exactly you’d go about tackling it.
Common areas of dispute within business
Workplace conflicts can arise from almost any kind of arrangement but there are areas of conflict that are much more common than others. With this in mind, it's crucial for business owners to be aware of these potential opportunities for dispute so that preparations can be put in place to prevent it from happening. Any business that works with suppliers, contractors, purchasers, or other business partners is at risk of disputes from contractual disagreements.
Various steps can be taken to prevent and help limit business disputes. Firstly, most business owners should initiate policies and protocol to govern day-to-day interactions and transactions, these kinds of measures will reduce the possibility of disputes. For example, standard contract forms and sales agreements can help to ensure that contracts follow proper requirements and include all necessary clauses for enforceability.
Moreover, similar policies should be in place for the protocol of how employees are treated with the aim of avoiding claims of unfairness or discrimination in these types of processes. In all of these situations, it is crucial that you put everything in writing, as undocumented business arrangements frequently lead to disputes and inconvenience down the road. Especially when both parties have some kind of disagreement on something that was originally agreed to.
All best efforts can be made but, despite any precautions, business owners can still find themselves anticipating a dispute. Small businesses may seek the guidance of a small claims court for resolving outstanding employment issues, bills or debts. Moreover, there is a growing focus on collaborative practices to avoid taking issues to court altogether. Parties involved in this kind of approach can utilise the services of solicitors who specialise in the collaborative focus and work with the parties to encourage negotiation and settlement.
Here at Hawley & Rodger we offer expert mediation and dispute resolution in the commercial world. Confidentiality and professionalism is our guarantee. If you are having contract disputes, general commercial disputes or employment matters that require mediation then get in touch with us today.